
  应法兰西共和国总统马克龙、塞尔维亚共和国总统武契奇、匈牙利总统舒尤克和总理欧尔班邀请,国家主席习近平于5月5日至10日对上述三国进行国事访问。中欧关系呈现稳中向上的良好势头,这符合双方利益和国际社会的共同期待。围绕有关热点话题,中新网专访了保加利亚-中国工业商会副会长伊沃·甘切夫(Ivo Ganchev)。


  Chinese President Xi Jinping starts his state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10. China-EU relations have shown sound momentum of steady progress, which is in the interest of both sides and what the international community expects of us. China News Network talked with Ivo Ganchev, vice-chairman of the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

  Ganchev stresses the benefits of practical Germany-China relations bring to businesses and people on both sides, and notes that many European states are highly interested in continuing to explore the opportunities of the Chinese market. And conversely, in recent years, there are a variety of products which have become of higher and higher quality coming from China and being used widely by European consumers. “So I'm optimistic about the bilateral relations between China and Europe,” Ganchev concludes.

  艾媒咨询发布的《2022—2023年中国团餐行业发展研究及典型案例分析报告》显示,2016-2022年,中国团餐市场规模由0.90万亿元增至1.98万亿元,截至2022年占餐饮市场的比重达45.1%,总体呈现上升趋势。  “有些人总是在说‘基于规则的国际秩序’,那是基于什么规则?如果是《联合国宪章》,中方没有问题,如果少数国家制定的规则,和许多国家一样,中方难以苟同。”他表示。

探到了!探到了!国内汗血马中的顶级马场!(中)| 谁懂啊!!!148cm的我约了个净身高183的cos委托小姐姐陪我过生日!!!回头率也太高了| 你,为什么依然喜欢读纸质书?| 高考查分时的几种学生(这真的是超级无敌宇宙究极真实啊)